Ben Fine's UMWELT, 2002

Projected video loop. Mixed-media / Performance

Umwelt is a playful digital meditation on the idea of home, habitat and the environments we create to make community. Using the aesthetics of zoos, terrariums and ant-farms, Umwelt is a digital display that provides the viewer an intimate glimpse into a virtual environment. The term Umwelt is used to describe a living organism’s specialized or particular perception of its world. Here, this digitally-generated environment is populated by “Osvalden,” virtual organisms who eat, sleep, defecate, dance and die in within the confines of the display . The creatures are experiencing “life” in their own “Umwelt “ as we peer at them from ours. We are reminded of how, within our own Umwelt, behavior is determined by perception.

Future New York Hotdog Man, 2020

Video loop, 60 seconds

“Future New York Hotdog Man” is a short animated movie that confronts the anxiety around facing a post-pandemic future by imagining, in meticulous detail, the hygienic challenges of a New York City hot dog vendor.

L’Absente, 2005

The pain of a long distance affair.
Music Yann Tierson


This is a dramatic reenactment of a US-Mexico border crossing in 1998 as told to me by a friend.

Ben Fine's UMWELT, 2002
Future New York Hotdog Man, 2020
L’Absente, 2005
Ben Fine's UMWELT, 2002

Projected video loop. Mixed-media / Performance

Umwelt is a playful digital meditation on the idea of home, habitat and the environments we create to make community. Using the aesthetics of zoos, terrariums and ant-farms, Umwelt is a digital display that provides the viewer an intimate glimpse into a virtual environment. The term Umwelt is used to describe a living organism’s specialized or particular perception of its world. Here, this digitally-generated environment is populated by “Osvalden,” virtual organisms who eat, sleep, defecate, dance and die in within the confines of the display . The creatures are experiencing “life” in their own “Umwelt “ as we peer at them from ours. We are reminded of how, within our own Umwelt, behavior is determined by perception.

Future New York Hotdog Man, 2020

Video loop, 60 seconds

“Future New York Hotdog Man” is a short animated movie that confronts the anxiety around facing a post-pandemic future by imagining, in meticulous detail, the hygienic challenges of a New York City hot dog vendor.

L’Absente, 2005

The pain of a long distance affair.
Music Yann Tierson


This is a dramatic reenactment of a US-Mexico border crossing in 1998 as told to me by a friend.

show thumbnails